Saturday, January 9, 2010

But I'm Too Cute to Spank!

We are spankers, and lately we've been focusing more on talking with Sarah about the process and trying to make sure she understands (as best as a just-barely-2-year-old can) what she did to deserve the punishment. Today we had several minor spanking incidents, but the following is by far my favorite ever.

Mark: "Sarah, Daddy asked you to take the book back to the bookshelf. Did you do that?"
[Correct Answer: "No."]
Sarah: "Yes."

Mark: "No, you threw it on the table. Then, Daddy asked you to come here. Did you come here?"
[Correct Answer: "No."]
Sarah: "Yes."

Mark: "No, you looked at me and walked in the opposite direction. Did you disobey?"
[Correct Answer: "Yes."]
Sarah: cute smile

Mark: "Yes, you disobeyed. Do you know what Daddy has to give you since you disobeyed?"
[Correct Answer: "A spanking."]
Sarah: (while launching her cute self into Mark's chest) "A hug."

LOVE HER. We tried our best to stifle the giggles until the actual spanking and resulting crying and comforting were over, but that was definitely one of the cuter conversations we've had during discipline moments lately. :)

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