Sunday, November 23, 2008
My man and my girl...

Sunday, November 16, 2008
9 (but really 10.5) month well-baby update :)
Her favorite new activity--wrestling with the couch cushions (and leaving drool spots all over them in the process)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Ode to Chick-fil-a
--When you order a grilled chicken sandwich *plain* (that usually includes lettuce, tomato, and onion), they knock $0.30 off the price automatically so you're not getting charged for stuff you'd pick off anyway. Can anyone name any other place on the planet that does that?!? I noticed it recently when I watched a girl punch my order into the computer and I've been watching--they do it every time! This is amazing to me!
--On election night, they were giving out free chicken sandwiches to anyone with an "I voted" sticker. My mom and I decided to go for dinner and we literally could not get into the parking lot. The line of people was out the door and wound around the building.
--On Monday, if you bring in a church bulletin from the previous Sunday, another free chicken sandwich. It may just be that we have an especially wonderful franchise owner, so check with your local restaurant before you haul in your bulletin. :) Don't know if this is a company-wide policy. :)
--During the week after the windstorm that wreaked havoc the week we moved up here, I saw a news story about the local franchise taking hundreds of chicken sandwiches, drinks, and fries out to a neighborhood that was still without power and having a "blackout block party" to sort of boost morale and get the first couple hundred people who came by (whether or not they lived in that neighborhood) a free hot meal. How awesome is that?
--Styrofoam cups. I know they're not "green," but I can't help it. I will go out of my way to get a diet lemonade from Chick-fil-A (or a Diet Sprite from Sonic for the same reason--plus the crushed ice!) because the fabulous cup means I can sip it for hours without it getting all watery.
--They now serve peppermint chocolate chip milkshakes. I haven't actually tasted one (because I know that when I do, it's all over and I won't ever be able to turn one down ever again), but just knowing that such a thing exists right down the road from me makes me sleep better at night.
That concludes the embarrassing love-fest-in-honor-of-a-fast-food-restaurant portion of the blog. :)
Don't really have much other news. One note just for you, Jill: (and any anyone else who has ever frozen their patooties off in our previously cold house because I *was* the most hot-natured person in America) right now I am wearing FLEECE PANTS for the first time in my life, socks, a long sleeved shirt, and a fleece pullover...and I'm INSIDE! The digital thermostat says our house is 68 degrees, but I am FREEZING ALL THE TIME! It's truly amazing what a bout with hyper- and then hypothyroidism will do to your body's thermostat! I am so cold that I have actually considered purchasing one of those giant blankets with arms you see in comercials...what are they called? Snuzzies?
That is all. :)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
It's the annual Halloween blog!
--After a pack of 3 boys got candy from me, one looked in the other's bag (presumably to see what I'd given him, since I had a variety I was giving out). He stood there rifling through his brother's (friend's?) bag and finally the exasperated mother yelled from the sidewalk, "Diego, you're being high maintenance! Come on!"
--I had a few silly responses to the "What do you say?" prompts of the parents when the kid reached the doorstep. One kid said, "Merry Christmas!" and another just looked at me and said "Halloween." Not "trick-or-treat." OK.
--My favorite costume of the night was a kid dressed as Napolean Dynamite. He had the curly blondish fro wig, the big glasses, the "Vote for Pedro" shirt, and his jeans were tucked into his boots. I'm not a fan of that movie (I really want that 2 hours of my life back!) but it was a pretty good costume. I almost asked him if he liked my sleeves or if he would dance for the candy.
--My favorite parent of the night came up to me and asked, "Do you know where Trunk Drive is?" I told her I was relatively new to the neighborhood and had seen it close by on walks, but I wasn't sure which direction it was in. She said, "Oh, we're new too and now I don't know how to get home!" Turns out, she was using a firetruck that sat at our instersection for the first hour (they had the lights flashing and the firemen were basically glorified crossing guards who handed out candy and gave the littlest kids a thrill.) as her landmark to know which street to turn down, and when the firetruck left she had no idea where she was in the neighborhood. When I pointed to the corner and told her the firetruck (unless there was more than one!) had been sitting there, she breathed a sigh of relief and said she could find home now that she knew she was on the street from which Trunk branched off of. Random question: which is worse? Trunk Dr. or Gross Dr.? Seriously...who named the streets in this neighborhood?
--Tiny rant: As nice as it would be to have both parents go out with the kid and be able to enjoy it with him/her, I think it is totally unfair when both the mom and the dad take the kids out and don't leave somebody at home to give out candy. I think it is cheap and selfish. There. I said it.
--Mark was told today that he's allowed to dress up in costume for work tomorrow. (So now all my AF wife friends are thinking "what the heck kind of military is Mark in?!? My husband's flying helicopters in Iraq!" I know, I know. :)) Besides the whole handing out candy part, we're not really into Halloween so he's obviously not going to dress up. I did, however, suggest that he go as a colonel because we have a set of colonel rank that his uncle gave me upon Mark's commissioning (so I'd always "outrank" Mark. :) I guess if he one day makes general (psha :)) he'll outrank me then, but it turns out that it's pretty hard to find generals' stars in the military clothing store and colonel rank was the best Uncle David could do for me.
--Trick-or-treating was supposed to go from 6-8 pm. I completely ran out of candy at 7:30. The best part was that I ran out when a group of about 15 kids all came up at the same time. Actually it was 2 groups who reached the house at the same time--about 6-8 little kids and 7 teenagers. The little kids got to me first and I had the exact number of pieces for that little kid group and it gave me a little squeal of delight when I dropped the last pack of skittles into the bucket of a kid in a stroller and held the empty bowl up for the high schoolers standing behind the little kid group. I put on a sad face and said "Aww! Sorry guys! Just a few seconds too late!" but I was smiling on the inside. ;) Teenagers who trick-or-treat annoy me, unless they actually put serious effort into their costumes. These didn't, so I was perfectly fine with the timing of my empty bowl.
--I started with A TON of candy. A TON. I always had what I thought was a ton at Eglin, and I always gave each kid 2 pieces and ended up with some left over. I knew there were probably more kids in our neighborhood here, so I started out with a ton and then went out and got 5 more bags yesterday because I was scared I didn't have enough. Tonight, I started out giving out 2 pieces and hit panic mode at 6:45 and switched to 1 per kid. When I ran out and came inside at 7:30, I got all the empty bags and added them up. The grand total was 18 1/4 pounds of candy. That. is. rediculous.
So, that was Halloween. It didn't get much attention at my house this year. It sort of snuck up on me, so I never got around to getting a pumpkin, and I'm sure that if I had one I wouldn't have had time to carve it. I hauled a fake one with a little light bulb outside with me and called it a day. :) I didn't dress up (besides my pumpkin beret :)) and Fredo spent the whole trick-or-treat time in his crate, so he didn't dress up either this year. I didn't even get Sarah Beth a costume! I hear the gasp from all of you out there. Yes, babies in costume are very cute, but seriously...it was freezing and she wasn't going to sit outside with me, plus her bedtime was halfway through trick-or-treat time, so we just didn't even go there. She did stand just inside the glass door and play with candy wrappers for a while (and lick the door, which was hilarious but totally gross), so she got to watch the kids and her cuteness was admired by kids and parents alike, even though she wasn't in costume.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Random things :)
--It's cold. I love it. Except at night in my house. :) The baby is the issue here. Since we're now paying for our electricity, I'd love to just bundle up and keep the thermostat super low, but I'm scared that I'm freezing out my poor daughter as she sleeps. We've got her in the fleece/flannel "blanket sleepers" that are thicker than her little cotton ones, but I'm just not sure it's enough. I guess if she still sleeps through the night, she's warm enough, right? She'd be waking us up if she were that cold, right? Paranoid first-time mother, party of one. :)
--Speaking of the weather and the baby, here are some pictures of Sarah Beth modeling her new winter coat.
She hasn't actually worn it outside yet. For now, she has a purple fleece hooded jacket that I think keeps her warm enough on the run from the car to the store and it fits much better, meaning she can actually move in it. It's been tough finding coats, though. The smallest size they come in is apparently 12 months, so most of the time when I try them on her and zip them up, her hands and face completely disappear. It's hysterical and I want to buy them just for that, but if they're not actually, you know....functional...then I should probably save my money, huh? The pink coat above was chosen mostly because it isn't too horribly bulky and it doesn't have rhinestones, Dora the Explorer, or animal print...although the fur on the hood is a nice touch. :) As you can see from her expression (and those of you who have tried with me know it's sometimes tough to get her to smile in front of a camera!) she digs it. :)
--We saw a mouse scamper across the aisle in the garden department of the local Wal-Mart. Not particularly newsworthy to most, but it grossed me out so I thought I'd share. :)
--The leaves in my neighborhood are pretty. Every day I think "I should grab the camera and take some pictures for Heide when we go on our walk" and every day I get too crazed just trying to get the stroller loaded up and Sarah Beth bundled up...and the camera just sits in the living room. :) I promise, Florida friends, eventually you will get pictures of the pretty changing leaves!
--One of the churches we visited had a "visitors lunch" after the service to welcome newcomers and do a little presentation about the church and its programs, etc. Instead of the inevitable covered-dish or giant crock pot of chili, they ordered in from....FAZOLIS! :) Please tell me how effective a recruitment tool that is!?! I have a feeling this particular church won't make the final cut, but they sure do know how to feed people! :)
Monday, October 20, 2008
Palin rally report

I had read that homemade signs would not be allowed in, so I didn't bother to make one. I saw several once inside, though, that said things like "Plumbers for Palin" and "Raise babies, kill taxes." My favorite sign was this one:

See her?

Through the 3 hours of waiting, sweet Sarah Beth was a patient little angel. She didn't look like she was having fun in this picture (that I took by holding the camera out in front of me), but she was really really tired and the marching band interrupted her nap.

Here she is!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
More Ohio pros and cons...
Con - ENDLESS campaign ads.
Pro - Both parties have made/will make several campaign stops in Ohio...including Sarah Palin coming to West Chester (about 45 minutes away) this Friday for a "Road to Victory" rally. I've been wanting to go to one because all the footage I've seen makes them seem like giant pep rallys for America...and as a former cheerleader, I can't resist a good pep rally! I picked up a ticket today, so Friday morning Sarah Beth and I are going to bundle up and huddle with the masses for hours waiting for some music and a 20 minute speech--and I can't wait!! I'm just trying to figure out what to write on my sign... :)
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Video time!
Hey friends! I'm finally going to update you with a few videos of the "Crown Princess" as my dad calls her. The sad thing is that this site will only allow 100 mb max, and almost all of mine are longer clips and therefore too big. I'm sure there's a way to edit them and make them smaller, but as my soap (Army Wives) comes on in 13 minutes, I have neither the time nor the inclination to figure it out. :)
The first video is of her crawling (slowly and awkwardly) around the room chasing Alfredo. This was shot the day we got our keys to our new house, so instead being able to plop her down somewhere and being reasonably sure she'd stay in that general area, we had to have someone on her at all times because she could get into the roller pans quicker than we realized. We found this one out the hard way (and ruined a onesie in the process). Anyway, here she is chasing the dog. She is much faster now, and her favorite thing is to sneak up on him and pull his hair while he's lying on the floor minding his own business. She squeals with delight. He squeals in pain, runs away, and looks at me with very sad "why are you doing this to me, mommy?" eyes. :)
Thesecond video was shot last week. She FINALLY figured out how to bounce in her jumper. Before this week she would sit in it for a few minutes and half-heartedly tug at the toys, but she wouldn't really enjoy it. All of a sudden, it finally clicked for her on Friday and now she loves it!
I have a couple more, but they're too big and I'm too tired to mess with them. :) I'll try to put them up on Facebook sometime soon, along with some house pictures. I was trying to wait until we had things in order so I could take pictures that didn't have the tool box in the middle of the living room floor or the drill on the coffee table...but we've been here for 3 weeks already and it looks like that's not going to happen anytime soon. :)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Ohio pros and cons
Pro: No roaches.
Con: Our house has a mild cricket infestation. My mom says crickets in a house are lucky and you're supposed to trap them and release them outside instead of killing them. Well, that's not going to happen here. We Raid them. The con here is that since they jump, they're harder to shoot with the Raid. The pro is that once successfully Raid-ed, their death is funnier because it involves lots of crazy jumping around followed by some pretty hilarious twitching. Can saying that get me in trouble with PETA?
Another Con: Praying Mantises. I've seen pictures of these things before, but before this week I've never been chased into my house by one as long as my hand. I've seen several since--climbing on door frames, clinging to the bedroom window screen and staring at me when I open the window...they are really creepy insects!
Pro: So far, it seems cheap to live here. Our car/renters insurance policy premium shrunk by over 200$ when we informed them of our address change. Milk is $2.25 a gallon at the commissary (that's for you, Jill :))! I guess it pays to live in a state with no hurricanes and a substantial cow population.
Pro: The weather (so far). I'm sure I'll change my tune eventually, but right now the weather is perfect. It's been low 70s during the day (and this week it'll drop down to mid 60s!!) and mid 50s at night. YAY! :)
Con: The 20 degree temperature swing between day and night causes a problem when you don't know how to program your programmable thermostat. It has a mind of its own. We have no idea what the previous tenants did to it to make it act this way, so for now we've basically given up on it and we spend a lot of time with the windows open. The problem here is that the house is usually still warm when we go to bed so we leave the windows open, but at 2:00 AM I have to get up and close the windows because the bedroom is FREEZING.
Pro: No obnoxious Florida fans.
Con: TONS of almost-as-obnoxious Ohio State fans.
That's all I can think of right now, but I'm sure the list will lengthen as I learn more about the Buckeye (Suckeye :)) State. :) I'll keep you posted. :)
Thursday, September 25, 2008
In the house! :)
I promise we'll get pictures up soon. We've had a lot of unpacking to do and even though the house is about 50% bigger than our last one, we're having trouble finding places to fit everything! The kitchen is crazy small for a house this size, so I've got appliances and serving bowls stashed in closets all over the house. :) My beloved Kitchen-Aid mixer even lost its space on the counter! :(
Also contributing to the lack of pictures...Sarah Beth has picked this week to get really good at crawling and pulling up. Currently, her favorite piece of climbing equipment is Mark's giant tool box which is still sitting in the middle of the living room floor. It's just the right height for her to hold onto once she's standing up. This is extremely cute...for the first 5 minutes of the day. After that, this is what my house sounds like all day long:
SB: excited coos
ME: "Oh, crap. Sorry! I didn't get there fast enough! Oh, punkin, you're ok. Aww, man, another bruise on your giant head...assorted comforting noises..."
BACKGROUND NOISE: Sean Hannity playing communist-sounding marchy music and yelling about the "Obama Mania Media"
....repeat cycle over and over again
Life is good. :)
P.S. Blake, since I'm too lazy to type an email to you, if you're reading this, yes the stores mentioned are in Fairborn and Beavercreek. We live in what used to be called "Page Manor" which is off I-675 at Col. Glen(n?) Hwy.
Monday, September 15, 2008
The windy city...?
--The packers/movers came the 10th, 11th, and 12th. They were, as usual, amazing! Well, I thought they were amazing...until I found a large shard of a china teacup in the carport on Friday afternoon after they'd left. :) Oh well. We took all the really important and irreplaceable stuff with us (in a seriously packed loaner minivan!) so the rest of it is really just "stuff."
--We made a detour for a few days in SC to see my sweet parents and we even got to hang out with my usually too-cool-for-us brother, Jake, for a few hours. The highlight of the trip (besides all the free nanny-ing my parents did so I could relax) was was the USC/Georgia game on Saturday. Yes, you remember correctly--we lost. BUT, my sweet parents offered us their tickets in exchange for some grandbaby time and we took one for the team and accepted the deal. It was crazy hot and I got an odd racoon-eyed (due to sunglasses) sunburn on my face that included a white void on my cheek where my block C temporary tatoo had been. Nice. :) The game was a nailbiter and though we lost, I am really proud of how they held the #2 team to 14 points and held a Heisman candidate to 79 yards! GO GAMECOCKS! :)
--The hurricane leftover action spiced up our trip from SC to OH on the 14th. We hit a rest stop just into Ohio about 8.5 hours into our trip (which according to Mapquest should have totaled 9 hours...such is life with a baby!) and noticed as we spooned applesauce into Sarah Beth that it was oddly windy. We just thought it was nice to feel a strong cool breeze instead of the hot, sticky, thick air we're accustomed to. For the next 2 hours, we drove through the worst wind I have ever experienced. We were literally driving through cornfields and dried husks were flying into the windshield of the minivan. I was expecting to see the wicked witch on her bicycle floating in front of us any second. Needless to say, white-knuckling-it for the last 100 miles slowed us down significantly, but the whole trying not to flip the van thing took precedence over fatigue and attention to a restless baby (who, praise the Lord, screamed herself out after half and hour and slept through the worst hour of the storm, giving her haggard mama a chance to concentrate!). I was honestly terrified, and I'm sure I would have given up and pulled over under an overpass with all the 18-wheelers if we hadn't been on the road all day and thisclose to our destination. The wind died down significantly when we finally reached Dayton and got checked into the TLF unit, but the power had been out for hours. This did not surprise us, since we'd passed sections of power-line-poles tipped over and laying in the cornfields on the way into town. After we unloaded and got settled, Mark went out in search of food and flashlights (which took him almost 2 hours to find!) and I settled sweet oblivious Sarah Beth into bed. When he got back I was sitting in the dark listening to my book on my mp3 player. :) We ate and got ready for bed by flashlight, which was kind of fun in a little-kid kind of way. OK so it was fun for me to play with the flashlight and not fun for Mark who was actually trying to go to sleep. :) Since I usually have to have the noise and the light of the TV to fall asleep, I did a lot of staring out the window listening to the unfamiliar sounds. Finally I put my mp3 player back on and found a local talk radio station. Apparently, what we had driven through was the worst windstorm in this part of the state for as long as anyone can remember. There were 60-70 mph winds in Dayton (hurricanes start at 74 mph I think). At that point there were 180,000 people without power (this morning that number doubled) and people were freaking out! The power on base came back on at 2:30 AM (praise the Lord for AF civil engineering trucks and crews working all night!), but this morning the majority of southern Ohio was still without power. Schools are closed, the roads are crazy because the traffic lights aren't working (and nobody seems to know what to do at a "4 way stop"), there's not one bag of ice to be had in town, and there are crazy long lines at gas stations--the ones that still have gas. Sound familiar? I'll give you a hint...IT SOUNDS LIKE FLORIDA AFTER A HURRICANE! :) How hilarious is it that we brought the storm and all the post-storm panic up here to people who have apparently never experienced a "widespread disaster" like this!?! We did find a Wal-Mart open today so we could buy some mac and cheese and noodle-type-things (it was not a super Wal-Mart so our choices were limited :)) and we were surprised to find that they still had milk, until we realized that nobody but us is able to use their refrigerator so nobody is buying milk.
--Tomorrow we get keys to our new house and we get to start painting! Due to the storm, our stuff may not get delivered until late this week or maybe next week, but at least we can get out of temporary housing and start getting things organized. We drove by the house today and I was a little shocked. It's yellow. I mean it is yellow. From pictures on google earth I knew it had a yellow tint to it, but I was hoping it was more of a beige-y yellow. Nope. It's yellow. :) Oh well...it's free. :) I'm sure I'll get used to it. :) I'll post pictures when I get around to taking some. :) We spent an uncharacteristically long time at Home Depot picking out paint colors, but we came home with a gallon of a lovely light tealish for Sarah Beth's room and several gallons of khaki for the guest room and our bedroom. I am having second thoughts, of course, and I think that in my rush to get ACTUAL COLOR (not the blue-ish tinted white on the top of the paint chips) I may have picked out colors that will turn our home into a big brown cave...but oh well. :) We never settled on a color for the living room/dining room, because I turned into the stereotypical girl and shot down every suggestion with things like, "That's too green. That's too brown. That's not brown enough. That's too light. That's too dark. That's not green enough." Mark should have won a medal for being so patient with me. We admitted defeat when Sarah Beth almost gave herself a paper cut in the face from throwing a fit while holding the cardstock paint chips, so we'll get started on the bedrooms and maybe pick a color for the downstairs later this week. The grandmothers are coming in shifts throughout the next week or so to help with "painting"...and by "painting" I mean "playing with the baby while I paint." Hey, I'll take any help I can get with either chore. :) I'll post lots of pictures when I get some momentum. :)
In other news, I hate Eastern time. I hated central time when we moved to Florida, until I realized that all the good TV is over at 10:00 and you can get to bed earlier! I realize that I lived in Eastern time for the first 23 years of my life and I liked it just fine...but my eyes have been opened to the possibilities with central! I may never go back! Well, I guess I don't have a choice so I will have to go back...but I don't have to be happy about it. :)
Longest first post ever.