--It's cold. I love it. Except at night in my house. :) The baby is the issue here. Since we're now paying for our electricity, I'd love to just bundle up and keep the thermostat super low, but I'm scared that I'm freezing out my poor daughter as she sleeps. We've got her in the fleece/flannel "blanket sleepers" that are thicker than her little cotton ones, but I'm just not sure it's enough. I guess if she still sleeps through the night, she's warm enough, right? She'd be waking us up if she were that cold, right? Paranoid first-time mother, party of one. :)
--Speaking of the weather and the baby, here are some pictures of Sarah Beth modeling her new winter coat.
She hasn't actually worn it outside yet. For now, she has a purple fleece hooded jacket that I think keeps her warm enough on the run from the car to the store and it fits much better, meaning she can actually move in it. It's been tough finding coats, though. The smallest size they come in is apparently 12 months, so most of the time when I try them on her and zip them up, her hands and face completely disappear. It's hysterical and I want to buy them just for that, but if they're not actually, you know....functional...then I should probably save my money, huh? The pink coat above was chosen mostly because it isn't too horribly bulky and it doesn't have rhinestones, Dora the Explorer, or animal print...although the fur on the hood is a nice touch. :) As you can see from her expression (and those of you who have tried with me know it's sometimes tough to get her to smile in front of a camera!) she digs it. :)
--We saw a mouse scamper across the aisle in the garden department of the local Wal-Mart. Not particularly newsworthy to most, but it grossed me out so I thought I'd share. :)
--The leaves in my neighborhood are pretty. Every day I think "I should grab the camera and take some pictures for Heide when we go on our walk" and every day I get too crazed just trying to get the stroller loaded up and Sarah Beth bundled up...and the camera just sits in the living room. :) I promise, Florida friends, eventually you will get pictures of the pretty changing leaves!
--One of the churches we visited had a "visitors lunch" after the service to welcome newcomers and do a little presentation about the church and its programs, etc. Instead of the inevitable covered-dish or giant crock pot of chili, they ordered in from....FAZOLIS! :) Please tell me how effective a recruitment tool that is!?! I have a feeling this particular church won't make the final cut, but they sure do know how to feed people! :)
Which churches have you tried? We used to go to the Vineyard on Dorothy Lane (or whatever that road is across from it off I675) and then we went to Apex Community Church in Kettering. The preacher there was GREAT! :)
If you think the leaves are awesome, wait until spring when the Dogwoods bloom, they are beautiful! And I'm totally not into plants/trees/flowers, so that's saying a lot! :)
Awww. . . Thanks for thinking of me whenever you see the leaves. I will be waiting for a picture now! :) I just bought Lydia a Baby Einstein about the seasons so Lydia will learn about Fall since we do not experience here in FL.
i saw a mouse once scurry through the garden section of a home depot. it was dirty and brown. i dig sarah beth's coat. she seems to like it, too. you aren't the only one with cool weather. it has been beautiful and chilly here lately. love it! miss you :(
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