Sunday, November 16, 2008

9 (but really 10.5) month well-baby update :)

OK everybody else posts the stats at their kids' well baby appointments, so I'm going to do the same because I'm crazy proud. :) With the move and the time it took to get set up with the hospital here with records and such, we just got in to do Sarah Beth's 9 month checkup this past week, even though she's already over 10 months old. I guess if you adjust for her prematurity, though, she really was around 9 months. Anyway, she weighed 18 lb 2 oz and was 27 inches long. Without even adjusting for prematurity, she was in the 21st percentile for her weight!!! I know the rest of you with your sweet chubby babies would be horrified at such a ranking, but we threw a party because she's catching up so well! At her 6 month check-up she had just barely (I think it was the 5th percentile) made it onto the "big girl chart" as our doctor called it (instead of the special "premature/very low birthweight chart that she'd been on), so a jump like that was really exciting to see! She's never been excited about eating, so ever since she was a 3.5 lb newborn, I've been obsessive about her weight and considered every gained ounce a personal victory since it's basically a full time job to get calories into her. Pardon me for a second while I pat myself on the back. :) She's babbling but still not really purposefully saying words, but her gross and fine motor skills are awesome and she's pretty much exactly where a 10.5 month old is supposed to be--even though technically she's only 9 months old!! WOO HOO!

Her favorite new activity--wrestling with the couch cushions (and leaving drool spots all over them in the process)


Jill said...

Way to go Sarah Beth!! And you and Mark, too!

Anonymous said...

That is so wonderful! I am so excited for you guys! Yea to Sarah Beth and her wonderful mommy and daddy!