Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Musings from Las Vegas

--How does one become a "Blue Man?" Do you need a performance background? A percussion background? Just giant crazy eyes?

--Speaking of crazy eyes, does the makeup/crazy-eye combo wreak havoc on their vision long term? Ick.

--Casinos are sad at 10:00 AM. I guess I should say the people who are in casinos at 10 in the morning make me sad.

--"Dry heat" or not, 108 is just plain hot.

--I wonder if the "sirens" dancers think wistfully about what their lives would have been like had they actually gotten into Julliard. Instead they're just showing their bums on a fake pirate ship 4 times a night.

--Ford Mustangs are fun at first, but they are most definitely not built to be driven by a 5'2" girl. Most. uncomfortable. car. ever.

--Las Vegas is the land of the 24 hour breakfast menu. This is a plus.

--I wish I had bought Sarah Beth the shirt that said "My aunt is what you'd call a hottie."

--Motion-sensor-activated sinks were created to humiliate me. They see my soapy hands and laugh in defiance.

--What is the life of a Cirque du Soleil performer like the other 22 hours a day? Do they eat? Do they hang out with each other? Do they stretch all day? Are they all French-Canadian?

--All the casinos really are the same except for the carpet, lighting, and outfits for the coctail waitresses.

--Cocktail waitresses make me a little sad. Cocktail waitresses who are over about 35 make me really sad.

--Where did all the simple slot machines go? I wanted to just stick a dollar in and pull and lever. Now they all have 10 buttons and look difficult. I'll just save my dollar.

--A hot dry breeze + contacts = Emma blinking like a crazy person all day long.

--Penn of "Penn and Teller" is a libertarian and his crazy political rants made me want to stand up and shout AMEN a little.

1 comment:

kerri said...

i wish you would have bought SB that shirt, too.

p.s. i have often wondered the same things about the blue men.