Friday, July 3, 2009

A blog in the style of Facebook status updates:

Emma Wuertz...

--is thankful for her new fancy jogging (and by jogging I mean really fast walking) stroller after pushing around the beast of a Graco all day at the zoo.

--is watching High School Musical 3 tonight.

--loves that when Mark tried to get Sarah Beth to say "bison" when they saw a bison at the zoo, she said "yummy" instead.

--is irritated because her sunburn is at the itchy stage.

--is addicted to and buying stuff she doesn't really need just because it's a fabulous deal.

--is losing the war against roly-polys for ownership of our first floor.

--is looking forward to her first Independence Day spent in 70/80 degree weather (instead of sweating in the 90s) but will be crazy sad to miss the annual "Party Til the Cows Come Home" with the trifecta.

--is a little discouraged and frustrated with how much (or I guess how little) Sarah Beth eats.

--loves to read other peoples' blogs and wishes she were better about updating hers more often. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just strolling through blog-land and happened upon yours. :-)

The bison one made me spit out my coffee. haha. That's really funny.