Thursday, March 26, 2009

Product endorsement :)

I bought a Ped Egg today. Yes, seriously. I stopped and admired them earlier this week in the "as seen on TV" section of Bed Bath and Beyond, but they looked painful and I didn't think my problem was that bad. Well, folks, after taking a look, I can confirm for you that my foot problem really is that bad.

Since I've lived in flip flops year round for years, I've just accepted the disgusting condition of my feet as a symptom of their continual exposure to the elements and ignored what was going on down there. My move to Ohio and the sudden onset of constant coldness has left me wearing socks for the 23 hours and 50 minutes of the day during which I am not in the shower, so that has further cemented the lack of concern for the appearance of my feet. Well, yesterday after my shower I did a thorough foot examination and was horrified. I quickly broke out some fancy foot lotion I got for Christmas (both my mom and my mother-in-law gave me foot care products. You'd think I'd have taken the hint by now.) and slathered it on. Today I headed straight to the foot care section of Meijer to look for a pumice stone (I've been given them several times in the last few years by the same mother-in-law and I would consistenly use them for a few weeks in the shower. Inevitably the same thing always happened--I got lazy, they got slimy and gross, and I threw them away.) and there it was...the Ped Egg! It was on sale! :)

I laughed and rolled my eyes and pushed the buggy a few steps further down the aisle. With every step, however, I thought about the coming spring and the chance to bring my beloved Reef flipflops out of hiding. My curiousity eventually won and I tossed it into the buggy along with some new nail polish for which I had a $1 off coupon. :) (I can rationalize the frivolous purchase if I have a coupon for the polish and the Ped Egg was $2 off this week. :))

Dear friends, I have scraped. I have filed. I am amazed. My feet are nowhere near baby's bottom yet. They're not even close to the condition of Mark's beautiful soft girly feet. They are, however, better. It didn't hurt at all! I think I'm going to re-lotionize and use my new polish and then let them rest for a day or two and then break out the egg again and see if I can get a habit going. :) I'll be ready for sandals in no time. :)

I am not going to post a picture of my feet. I'm not quite there yet. I will, however, post a picture of the results of my first Ped Egg treatment. Those of you who have seen the commercial (I'm sure you can youtube it if you haven't seen this gem on real TV) have seen that part of the Ped Egg's charm lies in the fact that the dead skin that you slough off gets trapped in the bottom of the container so you can toss it in the trash instead of having it go all over your floor. This part of the commercial always made me giggle because of the cartoonish amount of icky skin the girl throws away. Ladies and gentlemen, it is not cartoonish. It is real life. The following picture is not for children or any adults with high blood pressure or a sensitive gag reflex.

Seriously. You are warned. It's gross.

Ok, Kerri and Keri. You wanted a new blog post, you got it. :)


Jill said...

wow...that is a lot of skin. dang girl! i'm afraid of the ped egg because it looks like a microplane kitchen tool. i can't imagine using somethng that looks like a cheese grater on my feet. your post, and braveness, may encourage me to pony up and buy one.

Keri said...

I didn't know there WAS such a thing, but it might become my new favorite hobby!!! I am both repulsed and in great admiration of you and your dead skin. AMAZING....

Valee said...

I also have a ped egg and LOVE IT!!!!!

Leigh Ann said...

I am so glad to know someone who has actually tried this thing! Like everyone else, it has freaked me out and I have been too afraid to try one, but maybe not anymore...