They didn't work. We lost. We lost in spectacular fashion. Tears and gnashing of teach ensued.
Kidding. The tears and teeth gnashing was actually a good old fashioned fit that didn't have anything to do with football. It was the result of me removing her from a large basket (that she's been told DOZENS of times NOT to sit in) AFTER she rolled over in it and was laying on her side with the basket on top of her. She just flopped to the ground and threw an old school tantrum the likes of which we haven't seen in months. Being the heartless parents that we are, Mark and I both just sat on the couch and watched TV for 15 minutes until she was too exhausted to cry anymore, at which point she got up on her own and resumed playing. Although she can almost always hold it together better than this nowadays, she still reacts with extreme displeasure whenever she hears the word "no." I will be THRILLED when one day she accepts a gentle no without completely falling apart. Sigh. Toddlers are fun. :)
1 comment:
We are getting dangerously close to the "twos" I keep hear so much about. Skylar's thrown a few practice tantrums, but nothing that registers on the richter scale quite yet. My turn is coming...
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