Some of my friends have toyed with the idea of making post-a-day in 2010 resolutions. I briefly (VERY briefly) considered the idea, but since my posting frequency for 2009 was roughly 1 post per every 1.5 months, I decided this would be a ridiculous goal. I do, however, resolve to blog more frequently. My reasons for this relatively frivolous resolution are as follows:
--Posting more frequently will hopefully help me write shorter blog posts. :) Everything I wrote in 2009 was LONG. I mean, really really long. This way maybe I can just shoot for a short blurb or even just a picture every few days or so.
--This will help me remember some of the silly things Sarah Beth says/does. She is getting more and more entertaining by the day, and I hope I will do better at recording the silliness.
--This will hopefully help me document more of baby #2s milestones and the development of his/her routine. I was pretty overwhelmed for months after SB was born and I don't have ANYTHING written down concerning her milestones or when she was doing certain things. I do remember her first real, I'm-positive-that's-an-intentional-smile was on Easter and that she started crawling the week we moved into our house in Dayton (convenient). That's about it. Hoping to do better with the next one.
--It never hurts to read back on funny/ridiculous/inspiring things you learn or experience, right?
--Maybe by posting more frequently I'll be more entertaining and thereby garner more than 3 readers (2 of whom share my last name and thus don't count).
We'll see how it goes. :)
One fun thing about today:
Sarah Beth was in a puzzle mood and got all of her puzzles out and did them one by one. She even did her pretty hard alphabet puzzle! The puzzle pieces are letters and underneath the letters there's a picture of an object that starts with that letter. She can do it if I help by saying, "That piece is a B. B is for basket." She'll find the basket and stick the B in it's place. I think that's pretty impressive. Anyway, she was bored with the "baby puzzles" so to make it more challenging we dumped 5 puzzles out onto the floor and made her dig through the several dozen pieces to complete all the puzzles simultaneously. She got off to a really impressive start by finding all the shapes and quickly completing the shapes puzzle before moving onto the farm animals.

As impressive as the beginning was, the puzzle inspiration was short-lived. After completing 1.5 of the 5 puzzles, she lost focus and started trying to pick up puzzle pieces with her feet. Sadly, I wasn't quick enough to get any good pictures of that part. Let's just say she needs a lot more practice before she can compete with her daddy's monkey toes.