Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My child is special because:

--She decided she didn't like watermelon, so she'd rather let a chunk of watermelon sit in her open mouth for 35 minutes than chew it up and swallow it (yes, I timed it. I'm actually writing this blog while she's whining in her high chair a few feet away, so if the blog ends abruptly, it just means that she finally swallowed the watermelon and naptime began).

--She reminds me that things like, "Don't eat rocks!" do need to be said aloud--apparently I thought that one was understood.

--When I attempt to get up early to get things done before she wakes up, she knows just what time my alarm is set for and wakes up exactly 12 minutes before it goes off.

--She refuses to poop into an already wet diaper and consistently holds it until I have JUST changed her in order to do her business in a fresh diaper. Because they grow on trees.

--She spends the entirety of "infant song & sign" class standing in the middle of the circle and staring at the teacher while she plays her guitar and teaches us funny hand motions. She never claps, dances, or sings during class. When we get home, however, she won't shut up or be still.

I may add more to this list later if additional things come to me. Right now I'm going to have some mercy and bail the child out by digging the semi-chewed watermelon out of her mouth and putting her to bed. It's been 47 minutes and I keep having to clap loudly and wake her up. Apparently "You can't go to sleep with food in your mouth" is another rule that actually needs to be spoken aloud.


Joel, Heide, Lydia & Tessa said...

Sarah Beth sounds so much like Lydia at that age. :) I am sure you remember our food "hours" :)
Hope all is well with you guys. We miss you a bunch. Are you ever going to head down this way?

Jill said...

picky eater - sounds just like mom & dad :)