Yes, this is indeed a blog about Chick-fil-a. I love them. The more I learn about them, the more I love them. Here are my favorite reasons why:
--When you order a grilled chicken sandwich *plain* (that usually includes lettuce, tomato, and onion), they knock $0.30 off the price automatically so you're not getting charged for stuff you'd pick off anyway. Can anyone name any other place on the planet that does that?!? I noticed it recently when I watched a girl punch my order into the computer and I've been watching--they do it every time! This is amazing to me!
--On election night, they were giving out free chicken sandwiches to anyone with an "I voted" sticker. My mom and I decided to go for dinner and we literally could not get into the parking lot. The line of people was out the door and wound around the building.
--On Monday, if you bring in a church bulletin from the previous Sunday, another free chicken sandwich. It may just be that we have an especially wonderful franchise owner, so check with your local restaurant before you haul in your bulletin. :) Don't know if this is a company-wide policy. :)
--During the week after the windstorm that wreaked havoc the week we moved up here, I saw a news story about the local franchise taking hundreds of chicken sandwiches, drinks, and fries out to a neighborhood that was still without power and having a "blackout block party" to sort of boost morale and get the first couple hundred people who came by (whether or not they lived in that neighborhood) a free hot meal. How awesome is that?
--Styrofoam cups. I know they're not "green," but I can't help it. I will go out of my way to get a diet lemonade from Chick-fil-A (or a Diet Sprite from Sonic for the same reason--plus the crushed ice!) because the fabulous cup means I can sip it for hours without it getting all watery.
--They now serve peppermint chocolate chip milkshakes. I haven't actually tasted one (because I know that when I do, it's all over and I won't ever be able to turn one down ever again), but just knowing that such a thing exists right down the road from me makes me sleep better at night.
That concludes the embarrassing love-fest-in-honor-of-a-fast-food-restaurant portion of the blog. :)
Don't really have much other news. One note just for you, Jill: (and any anyone else who has ever frozen their patooties off in our previously cold house because I *was* the most hot-natured person in America) right now I am wearing FLEECE PANTS for the first time in my life, socks, a long sleeved shirt, and a fleece pullover...and I'm INSIDE! The digital thermostat says our house is 68 degrees, but I am FREEZING ALL THE TIME! It's truly amazing what a bout with hyper- and then hypothyroidism will do to your body's thermostat! I am so cold that I have actually considered purchasing one of those giant blankets with arms you see in comercials...what are they called? Snuzzies?
That is all. :)