It's late and I'm tired and lazy and nobody told SB that we're supposed to get an extra hour of sleep tonight. :) That being said, here's a short and sweet report on our 2009 Halloween:
--Candy: 18.56 lb - 747 pieces based on back-of-the-bag numbers. Only 1 bowl (maybe 40 pieces) left after 2 hours.
--Absolute Favorite Costume (that wasn't on my own kid :)) - a 3-ish year old boy dressed as the UPS guy--brown shirt w/UPS logo, brown pants, hat, and he even had a cardboard box in which to carry his candy! His mom said he picked it out himself.
--2nd Favorite Costume--a 13-ish guy in all black with an upside-down cardboard U around his shoulders. It was painted black and then ends were red and had little yellow chicks on them. Chick Magnet. Get it?. Nice.
--I love my neighbors because: they would call out the lazy teenagers trick-or-treating without serious costumes. I mean really. You know you're too old to do this. At least put a little effort into the costume.
--I love my neighborhood because: there were dozens of military cops walking and riding bikes through the neighborhood. They even had the firetruck out roaming around just for fun again! It's like trick-or-treating in Mayberry! I kept offering them candy to help keep their energy level up but they always declined. :)
--Funny Kid Comments --
--a 4-ish year old boy after I put 2 pieces of candy in his bag (younger kids got 2, anybody over about 11 got 1 and I usually made sure it was the crappy candy--Now & Laters, Starbursts, Nerds, etc.) "Give me another piece." He looked me straight in the eye and didn't even say please! His parents were horrified.
--as a kid and mom were walking up the kid noticed Fredo sitting under my chair. "Look at that fake dog!" kid says. Mom says, "That dog's not fake! He's real!" Fredo licks himself. Kid says, "WHOA! That dog IS real!"
--"Do you have a trash can I could use?" Apparently someone was giving out styrofoam cups of hot chocolate with "God loves you!" written on them. The girl handed me 2 empty ones and I carried them all the way inside for her. I am a sucker.
--Disappointment of the night -- I saw another Abby Cadabby! AND her costume was an actual store-bought one! She had the perfect dress and the wings and her yarn pom-pom pigtails were even a more perfect shade of pink than SB's! She didn't need a nametag! I was only temporarily sad because my kid's costume was much cuter. Hers may have been more easily identifiable, but we won the cuteness contest hands down.
SB was a pretty awful trick-or-treater. She enjoyed carrying her little bag but once we walked up to people she wouldn't say a word. We only went to the 4 houses closest to us and then she stood outside with us for a while watching us give out candy and smiling as I pointed out kids wearing costumes she'd recognize (dog, cow, UPS guy. Since I am constantly ordering ribbon/bow supplies we see a lot of him these days. :)). She did get to eat some chocolate. My neighbors gave her a bag of Raisinets and I was thinking, "Come on! Raisinets?!? Nobody actually likes those!" Well, I forgot that regular raisins are like crack to SB. She LOVED the Raisinets. They saw how much she enjoyed them and walked over and slipped her another bag. :) They may have ruined her for regular raisins forever. She also ate a fun size Nestle Crunch Bar. The mini bag of Raisinets and the Crunch bar together amount to the most chocolate intake she's ever experienced in one day. Surprisingly enough, she went to bed easily and on time--helped by the fact that I had a football game and Mark had a baseball game to watch so nobody wanted to let her stay up. :)
Halloween--Fun. :)
Carolina/Tennessee Football Game--Awful :(
They balance out for a pretty OK day. :)
Saturday, October 31, 2009
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